ACLS/CCK “Comparative Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society” Program
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) was founded in 1919, and for nearly a century has worked to further scholarly endeavors in all aspects of the humanities worldwide. Its grant-making activities include research grants, conference grants, and fellowship support. In light of the ACLS’ outstanding record of achievement, the Foundation joined forces with this prestigious organization in 2004 to administrate a special program to support a series of scholarly meetings, conferences and publications in the field of Chinese Studies, which highlights topics framing comparisons of aspects of Chinese history and culture with those of other nations and civilizations, the interaction of these nations and civilizations, as well as cross-cultural research on the relations among the diverse and shifting populations of China. The program was originally entitled “New Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society”, but was recently renamed “Comparative Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society”.