Grant Recipients, 2017-2018
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of date application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Shih-pe Wang
Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, with Tian Yuan Tan of School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (UK)
“Textual Forms and the Construction of Knowledge in Late Ming Qu Anthologies”
Grant amount: NT$3,200,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Yi-ching Su
Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University, with Antonella Sorace of The University of Edinburgh (UK)
“Exploring the Interface Effects on Pronoun and Reflexive Resolution: A Cross-Linguistic Bi-Directional L2 Acquisition Study”
Grant amount: NT$2,400,000
Grant period: 3 years
B. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. I-Hsi Chang
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chiao Tung University, with Khee Heong Koh of National University of Singapore (Singapore)
“Literati Societies in East Asia, 16th-18th Centuries”
Grant amount: NT$300,000
Grant period: 6 months
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of date application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Elaine Sio-ieng Hui
Pennsylvania State University
“China’s Labor NGOs under Xi Jinping”
Grant amount: US$16,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Tony Huiquan Zhang
University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
“The Rise of Princelings: The State and Collective Elite Formation in China”
Grant amount: US$16,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Blaine Chiasson
Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)
“An International History of the Military Occupation of Beijing and Tianjin: 1900-1902”
Grant amount: US$15,760
Grant period: 1 year
4. Dimitar Gueorguiev
Syracuse University
“China Policy Barometer: Measuring Policy Opinions in the China Polities”
Grant amount: US$16,000
Grant period: 2 years
5. Guojun Wang
Vanderbilt University
“Bodies that Still Matter: Forensics and Literature in Late Imperial China”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 2 years
6. Kungpo Tao
Elizabeth City State University
“The Effect of Chinese Learning on Creativity Development”
Grant amount: US$24,000
Grant period: 2 years
7. Jing Cai
University of Maryland, College Park
“Worker Screening: Applications of Machine Learning Methods to Firm Decision-Making”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 2 years
8. Bo Liu
John Carroll University
“Image of Women in Transition: Shinü tu (仕女圖) from the Seventh to Eleventh Century”
Grant amount: US$9,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Jessica Leight
American University
“Export-driven Growth, Human Capital and Poverty in China”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
B. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Richard von Glahn
University of California, Los Angeles
“Cambridge Economic History of China”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 6 months
2. Lucas Bender
Yale University
“Reconsidering Chinese Literature in the World: An International Symposium”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 6 months
3. James Cook
University of Pittsburgh
“The Intersections of Colonialism and Medicine in East Asia Conference”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 6 months
4. Shu-wen Tang
North American Taiwan Studies Association
“Beyond an Island: Taiwan in Comparative Perspective”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 6 months
5. Lothar von Falkenhausen
University of California, Los Angeles
“Chu Culture and the Early Development of the Middle Yangzi River Basin: An International Conference”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 6 months
6. Gray Tuttle
Columbia University
“Perspectives on Padmasambhava: A Seminar Organized by Columbia University, Skidmore College, and the Rubin Museum of Art, NY”
Grant amount: US$10,000
Grant period: 6 months
C. Publication Subsidies
1. Molly Fuller
University of Minnesota Press
“Information Fantasies and Postsocialist Imaginations in China: 1978-1989”, by Xiao Liu
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Olivia Bartz
Stanford University Press
“Raising Global Families: Parenting, Immigration, and Class in Taiwan and the US”, by Pei-chia Lan
Grant amount: US$4,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“Jesuit Missionaries and Catholic Women in China: The Making of a Domestic Religion, 1580–1700”, by Nadine Amsler
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“Sexuality in China: Histories of Power and Pleasure”, by Howard Chiang
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Joy Deng
Harvard University Press
“What Is China? Territory, Ethnicity, Culture, and History”, by Zhaoguang Ge
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“The Other Milk: Soy, Science, and Self-Invention in Republican China”, by Jia-chen Wendy Fu
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“The Mouse and the Cat in Traditional Chinese Popular Literature”, translated by Wilt L. Idema
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. David Armstrong
Cambria Press
“The Administration of Buddhism in China: A Study and Translation of Zanning and the ‘Topical Compendium of the Buddhist Clergy’ (Da Song Seng shilue)”, by Albert Welter
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“The History of Travel Literature in Imperial China”, by James Hargett
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“Constructing Kangxi: Landscape, Image and Ideology in Qing China”, by Stephen H. Whiteman
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
D. Scholar Grants
1. Chia-rong Wu
Rhodes College
“Remapping the Contested Sinosphere: Cross-Cultural Landscape and Ethnoscape of Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Yue Hou
University of Pennsylvania
“Understanding Judicial Outcomes in China”
Grant amount: US$35,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Ying Hu
University of California, Irvine
“Friend, Enemy, Martyr: Commemorating the Dead in Early Republican China”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Stephen Bokenkamp
Arizona State University
“A New Study and Translation of the Zhen’gao”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Ana Maria Candela
State University of New York, Binghamton
“Intimate Others: Peruvian Chinese Between Native Place, Nation and World”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Ya-wen Lei
Harvard University
“The Red Line: Negotiating the Parameters of Biotechnology in China within a Global Context”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Yuen Yuen Ang
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
“China’s Gilded Age: Explaining the Paradox of Economic Boom and Vast Corruption”
Grant amount: US$14,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Joan Judge
York University (Canada)
“In Search of the Chinese Common Reader: Usable Knowledge and Wondrous Ignorance in the Age of Global Science, 1870-1955”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Brenton Sullivan
Colgate University
“The Golden Bridge between China and Tibet in the Late Ming Dynasty”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Haifeng Huang
University of California, Merced
“Global Information Flow and Domestic Political Support in a Changing Society”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Xiaojue Wang
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
“The Edges of Literature: Eileen Chang and the Aesthetics of Deviation”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Liang Cai
University of Notre Dame
“Realizing the Dream of Philosopher-King: Confucians and Bureaucratic Empire in Early China”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Miya Xie
Dartmouth College
“The Literary Territorialization of Manchuria: Frontier Literature and Modern Identities in China and East Asia”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Yan Sun
Gettysburg College
“Many Worlds under One Heaven: Identity, Power and Material Culture in the Southern Frontiers of Western Zhou China (c. 1045-771 BCE)”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. John Yasuda
Indiana University, Bloomington
“The Search for Capital and Other Tales: The Politics of Financialization in East Asia”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
16. Jessey Choo
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
“Blood Debts: Childbirth, Filial Piety, and Women’s Salvation in Chinese Religions, 500-1500 CE”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
17. Weihong Bao
University of California, Berkeley
“Monument at the Background: Set Design and the Art of Environment in Modern China”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
18. Ying-chen Peng
American University
“Between Femininity and Masculinity: Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908)’s Image Making in Art”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
19. Yuanfei Wang
University of Georgia
“Writing the Piracy War: Unofficial History, Vernacular Fiction, and the Discourse of Imperial Identity in Late Ming China (1550-1644)”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
E. Special Project Grants
1. Michael Paschal
Association for Asian Studies
“CCKF-CIAC Small Grant Program and CCKF Graduate Student Paper Award”
Grant amount : US$129,000
Grant period : 3 years
2. Peter Bol
Harvard University
“International Conference on the Cyberinfrastructure for Historical China Studies”
Grant amount : US$30,000
Grant period : 1 year
3. Seteney Shami
Social Science Research Council
“InterAsian Connections VI: Hanoi”
Grant amount : US$25,000
Grant period : 1 year
4. Michael Szonyi
Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University
“Joint Support of Fairbank Center Digital Scholarship Fund with Hou Family Foundation”
Grant amount: US$250,000
Grant period: 3 years
5. Sara Guyer
Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes
“CHCI Annual Summer Institute: Chinese Studies and Global Humanities”
Grant amount: US$105,000
Grant period: 3 years
F. Doctoral Fellowships
1. Ling Kang
Washington University, St. Louis
“Voicing China: Public Speaking and the Sonic Modernity of China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Meng Zhang
University of New Mexico
“Explaining Variation and Change among Ice Age Microblade-based Societies in Northeastern Asia: Prehistoric China and her Neighbors”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Kecheng Fang
University of Pennsylvania
“Mapping Media Bias in China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Gejun Huang
University of Texas, Austin
“New Frontier of Digital Media and Entertainment: Exploring Entrepreneurship in Chinese Game Industry”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Jingyu Liu
Harvard University
“The Unimpeded Passage: The Buddho-Daoist Interaction and the Making of Salvation Rites in the Song Dynasty (960-1279)”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Kyle Shernuk
Harvard University
“Transculturating China: Ethnicity, Nation, and Chineseness at the Turn of the 21st Century”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Hyeju Janice Jeong
Duke University
“Between Shanghai and Mecca: Diaspora and Diplomacy of Chinese Muslims in the Twentieth Century”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Caterina Fugazzola
University of Chicago
“What’s in a Name? Culture, Language, and Tongzhi/Lala Strategies for Social Change”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Nicholas Y. H. Wong
University of Chicago
“Genealogies of Cold War Mahua Literary History”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Dongxin Zou
Columbia University
“Revolutionary Humanitarianism: Chinese Medical Missions in North Africa”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Wenjuan Zheng
City University of New York
“Caught between the State, the Market, and Civil Society: The Divergent Paths for Chinese NGOs Seeking to Make Social Changes in China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Yan Gu
University of Washington, Seattle
“Coercion, Flooding and Amplifying Effects Boost Authoritarian Resilience: How the Chinese Government’s Strategic Information Control Shapes Public Opinion ”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. David Bratt
University of California, Berkeley
“Model Authority in Early Medieval China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Allison Bernard
Columbia University
“The Playwright and the Stage: History and Theatrical Culture in Kong Shangren’s Taohua shan”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Yun Feng
University of California, Los Angeles
“Higher Education Expansion, Changes in Relative Wages and the Chinese Growth Miracle: 1986-2011”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
16. Feng Yang
University of California, Los Angeles
“Business Politicians under Authoritarian Rule: Economic Decentralization and the State’s Embrace of Private Entrepreneurs in Reform China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
17. Wen Xie
University of Chicago
“Market Reform of Socialist Factories and the Unmaking of the Working Class in the Chinese Rustbelt”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
18. Yan Zhang
New York University
“A Comparative Study of Animal-Food Practices and Social Status in the Chinese Bronze Age (Anyang, Guandimiao, and Zhougongmiao, 13th-8th Century BCE)”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
19. Meng Zhang
Indiana University, Bloomington
“Heavenly Endowed Empathy and Natural Sprout of Artifact: An Exposition of Sentimentalist Virtue Ethics in Mencius and Hume”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
20. Jaewoong Jeon
University of Chicago
“Learning Liberation: Emergence of Capitalism in Korea and Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
21. Amy Tsang
Harvard University
“Becoming Part of the City: Place-Belonging in Urbanizing China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
22. Zeyuan Wu
The Ohio State University
“Qin Song and Self-Cultivation in Late Imperial China: Text, Music, and Performance”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
23. Jing Wang
Rice University
“Re-imagining Silk Roads: Transnational Movement among the Sinophone Muslims between China and Central Asia”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
24. Yu Zeng
University of Pennsylvania
“The Political Logic of Land Market Reform in China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
25. Daniel Tuzzeo
Stanford University
“Crafting Cosmologies: Buddhist Cartography and the Spatial Imagination in Medieval China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
26. Jinchao Zhao
University of Virginia
“The Dissemination and Reception of the Forms, Meanings, and Functions of the Indian Stūpa in China Between the Fourth and Seventh Centuries”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
27. Florin-Stefan Morar
Harvard University
“Connected Cartographies: The Translation of Cartographic Knowledge between China, Inner Asia, and Early Modern Europe”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
28. Linghui Zhang
University of Virginia
“The Sūtric and the Tantric, and Beyond: The Mahāmudrā (Great Seal) Discourses in the Twelfth-Century Hexi Corridor”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
29. Xiaoshun Zeng
University of Washington, Seattle
“Diagnosing Minorities: Ethnic Hygiene and Nation-state Building in the People’s Republic of China (1949-1964)”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
1. Ruisheng Zhang
Purdue University
“A Green Revolution for China -- American Engagement with China’s Agricultural Modernization during the Republic of China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Peter Braden
University of California, San Diego
“Years of the Ox: Bovine Experiences in China’s Civil War and Socialist Revolution, 1946-1961”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Ling Zhu
Stanford University
“Sustaining Economic Growth in China: The Role of Local Non-leader Bureaucrats”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Szu-nuo Chou
University of Ottawa (Canada)
“The Segregated Others: Chinese Diasporic Women in Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Sarah Zou
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
“The Coordination between Fiscal and Monetary Policies in China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Jesse Rodenbiker
University of California, Berkeley
“Ecological State: Nature and Governance in China’s Southwest”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Eloise Wright
University of California, Berkeley
“Re-Writing Dali: the Construction of an Imperial Locality in the Borderlands, 1247-1675”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
G. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Zi-qiao Yang
University of California, Berkeley
“Speculative Statecraft: Logistical Media and the Cold War Culture of Taiwan and Hong Kong, 1940s-1970s”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Chung-wei Yang
Columbia University
“Fiction in the Age of New Media: Visuality, Print Technology, and the Production of Novels in Early-Twentieth Century China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Yu-chi Chang
Brown University
“Imagining the Loss: Map-Making, Geographic Knowledge, and the Formation of Modern Chinese Nation-State, 1912-1950”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Tsung-hsin Lee
The Ohio State University
“Taiwanese Eyes on the Modern: Cold War Dance Diplomacy and American Modern Dances in Taiwan, 1950-1980”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Shu-wei Tsai
University of California, Berkeley
“Heritage Modernity: The Heritagization of Everyday Life along the Grand Canal in Hangzhou”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Mei-chun Lee
University of California, Davis
“Coding for an Open Government: The Uprising of Hackers in Post-Authoritarian Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Yu-chih Chen
Washington University, St. Louis
“Wealth Trajectories and Health in Later Life: A Cross-National Investigation”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Yen-ping Chang
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
“Cultural Variation in Gratitude Expressions Between United States and Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Ronan Tse-min Fu
University of Southern California
“Is East Asia Falling into the Thucydides Trap? Explaining Perceptions of China’s Rise”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Ching-fang Hsu
University of Toronto (Canada)
“Radicalizing the Rule of Law: Coalition and Collision of the Bar and Bench”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Shih-chun Chien
Stanford University
“Making Prosecutors: Stories of Taiwan and Beyond”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Yi-chen Lo
Harvard University
“Reconstructing Judicial Interpretive Methodology for Law-Receiving Countries: Example of Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Chien-chih Lu
University of California, Berkeley
“The Music Licensing Markets in Taiwan and China: New Observations of Copyright Income and Economic Incentives”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
1. Hua-hsuan Chu
State University of New York, Binghamton
“Tropicalizing Taiwan: The Environmental Governmentality in the Japanese Colonial Food Regime, 1895-1945”
2. Li-ping Chen
University of Southern California
“(Alter)Native Soil: Politics of Belonging in Transnational Taiwan Literature”
3. Ying-jen Lin
Michigan State University
“Asserting Indigenous Sovereignty through Conservation: Political Ecology of Community-based Ecotourism and Co-management in Pingtung, Taiwan”
4. Chih-yen Huang
University of Pennsylvania
“Not Just Friends: Gender, Space and Degrees of Interpersonal Relations in Tang China, 6th-9th Centuries”
(b)Social Sciences
1. Howard Liu
Duke University
“Elite Competition, Local Extraction, and Social Unrest: Understanding Mass Protest in Authoritarian Regimes”
2. Kuan-hung Lo
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“Approaching the Human-Humanoid Robot Relationship: Social Images and Constructed Meanings of Humanoid Robots in the Laboratory and Society”
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of date application received) | Unit: Euro |
A. Research Grants
1. Mark Gamsa
Tel Aviv University (Israel)
“The Forgotten Gold Rush: The Russian Far East and Manchuria, 1860s to 1920s”
Grant amount: €80,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Jana S. Rošker
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
“Modern and Contemporary Taiwanese Philosophy”
Grant amount: €52,000
Grant period: 3 years
B. Database Grants
1. Dagmar Schäfer
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Germany)
“Rare Chinese Local Gazetteers: Producing Full-Texts and Making Them Open-Access”
Grant amount: €80,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Barak Kushner
University of Cambridge (UK)
“Charting the Geography of Power: Visualizing the Shifting Landscape from Imperial to Postwar East Asia through War Crimes Trials”
Grant amount: €100,000
Grant period: 3 years
C. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Graham Smith
University of Leeds (UK)
“Friendship and Politics: Cross-Cultural Perspectives”
Grant amount: €19,000
Grant period: 6 months
2. Andrea Janku
University of London (UK)
“Centring the Margin: Environmental Histories of Yunnan and China’s Southwestern Frontiers”
Grant amount: €15,520
Grant period: 6 months
3. Xuelei Huang
The University of Edinburgh (UK)
“In the Realm of the Senses: Mapping China’s Modern Sensorium”
Grant amount: €21,000
Grant period: 6 months
4. Lisa Indraccolo
University of Zurich (Switzerland)
“Warp, Woof, Wen / Phoneme, Pattern, Pun -- Structural Approaches to Early Chinese Texts”
Grant amount: €16,000
Grant period: 6 months
5. Philip Entwistle
University College Dublin (Ireland)
“State and Society under Xi Jinping: The First Five Years”
Grant amount: €875
Grant period: 6 months
6. Andreas Ernst Janousch
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
“Early Medieval China Workshop at the Autonomous University of Madrid”
Grant amount: €11,920
Grant period: 6 months
7. Paola Calanca
École Francaise d’Extrême-Orient (France)
“Maritime Knowledge for Asian Seas: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue between Maritime Historians and Archaeologists”
Grant amount: €24,000
Grant period: 6 months
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Ming-yeh Tsai Rawnsley
Aberystwyth University (UK)
“International Journal of Taiwan Studies (IJTS)”
Grant amount: €10,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Robyn Klingler-Vidra
University of London (UK)
“The Venture Capital State: Contextually Rational Policymaking in East Asia”, by Robyn Klingler-Vidra
Grant amount: €4,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Anne-Christine Trémon
University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
“For the Cause of the Ancestor: Diasporic Relations and Transformations of a Globalized Village, Shenzhen, China”, by Anne-Christine Trémon
Grant amount: €8,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Patricia Radder
Brill Publishers (The Netherlands)
“The Population of Shanghai (1865-1953): A Sourcebook”, by Christian Henriot, Lu Shi and Charlotte Aubrun
Grant amount: €5,500
Grant period: 1 year
5. Annette Kieser
Universität Münster (Germany)
“Production, Distribution and Appreciation: New Aspects of East Asian Lacquer Wares”, edited by Patricia Frick and Annette Kieser
Grant amount: €2,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Lucie Olivová
Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
“The Publication of Selected Stories by Xiao Hong in Czech Translation”, translated by Lucie Olivová
Grant amount: €3,000
Grant period: 1 year
E. Special Project Grants
1. Irina Popova
Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
“The Asiatic Museum -- The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the History of Chinese Studies”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Bart Dessein
European Association of Chinese Studies (Belgium)
“EACS 22nd Biennial Conference and EACS Young Scholar Award”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
F. Doctoral Fellowships
1. Julia Wasserfall
Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
“English-Mandarin Language Contact in the Sinophone World: A Comparative Perspective on Taiwan and Singapore”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Daniel Stumm
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
“Conceptualizing Authorship and Forgery of Early Texts in Late Imperial China”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Vivian Kong
University of Bristol (UK)
“Colonial Rule, Identification, and Chinese Identities in Interwar Hong Kong”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Anastas Vangeli
Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
“Symbolic Power and Principle-Diffusion through China’s Belt and Road Initiative”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Laura Lamas Abraira
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
“More Generations and Less Borders: Transnational Chinese Families and Intergenerational Care Experiences between Zhejiang and Spain”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Hélène Voyau
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
“Taoism and State Religious Policy in Contemporary China: Control, Instrumentalization, Reinvention. A Critical Analysis of the Normative Discourse of the Taoist Association of China”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Nelson Kai Ho So
University of Oxford (UK)
“Representation, Legitimacy, and the Status Quo: The Struggle of the Chinese Nationalists on Taiwan for Diplomatic Status, 1958-1971”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Cheng Yang
University of Cambridge (UK)
“Occupational Structure of Late Imperial China, 1738-1899”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Lance Pursey
University of Birmingham (UK)
“Elite Society and Urban Identity in the Liao Dynasty (907-1125 CE)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Avital Rom
University of Cambridge (UK)
“Polyphonic Thinking: A Socio-Political Analysis of Textual References to Music in Early China”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Hannah Klepeis
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Germany)
“Monastic Economy, Sangha-Laity Relationships and Negotiations of Morality on the Sino-Tibetan Border”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Wankun Li
University of Leeds (UK)
“War, Trade and Rural Reconstruction: Grain Control in Chongqing, 1937-1957”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Jiazhi Fengjiang
University of London (UK)
“Grassroots Philanthropy in Southeast China: Ordinary Ethics, Surplus Value, and Social Change”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Sebastian Demuth
University of Tuebingen (Germany)
“The Making of a Chinese World Chronicle -- Li Zhi 李贄 and the Shigang pingyao 史綱評要 in the Context of Late Ming Historiography”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Alice Crowther
École Pratique des Hautes Études (France)
“The Administration of the Imperial Hunting Grounds of the Qing Dynasty (1636-1911)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
1. Rui Zhang
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
“From Yuefu to Gexing, Study of a Musical Poetry from the 3rd to the 7th Centuries”
2. Chun Man Kwong
University of Oxford (UK)
“The Demonstration of Dao: Literary Forms in Zhuangzi”
3. Hong Liu
University of Vienna (Austria)
“The Rise and Fall of ‘Sansuo Yihui’: A Study of the Chinese Youth Think-Tanks in 1980s -- Looking at Networking from the Perspective of Embeddedness”
4. Dongxiang Xu
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France)
“From Nationalism to Conservatism: The Intellectual Associations of the ‘National Essence’ Circle in China (1890s-1940s)”
5. Corina Smith
University of Oxford (UK)
“Emerging Meaning: New Hermeneutics for Early Chinese Literature ”
G. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
1. Cecile Armand
Institut de Recherches Asiatiques (CNRS/AMU) (France)
“Re-Embodying the History of Advertising in Modern Shanghai: From a Spatial to a Social History of Advertising in Shanghai (1914-1956)”
Grant amount: €42,000
Grant period: 2 years
2. Hui-ping Chuang
Heidelberg University (Germany)
“The Stone Sutra Project of the Cloud Dwelling Monastery during the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234)”
Grant amount: €42,000
Grant period: 2 years
3. Xiaoxuan Wang
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Germany)
“Massive Urbanization, Properties, and the Future of Chinese Religions”
Grant amount: €20,445
Grant period: 1 year
4. Ander Permanyer-Ugartemendia
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)
“Opium after the Manila Galleon: The Sino-Spanish Opium Business, 1800-1842”
Grant amount: €19,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Helena Ferreira Santos Lopes
University of Bristol (UK)
“Between War and Peace: Neutral Macau in Wartime China, 1937-1949”
Grant amount: €21,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Victor Louzon
UMR 8173 Chine, Corée, Japon (CNRS/EHESS) (France)
“Mobilization, Demobilization, and Remobilization in Manchuria: From Japan’s War to Mao’s Revolution (1937-1949)”
Grant amount: €21,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Vladimir Stolojan-Filipesco
Université Paris Diderot (France)
“Transitional Justice as a Public Policy Framework in Taiwan”
Grant amount: €21,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
1. Jing Zhu
University of Warwick (UK)
“Photographing Bodies of Non-Han in the Southwest of China in 1930s and 1940s: Anthropology, Museum Collections and Gender”
2. Ka-kin Cheuk
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
“Mapping ‘Environmental Ethics’ in the Emerging China-Netherlands Flower Trade Nexus”
3. Giulia Falato
University of Oxford (UK)
“Tongyou Jiaoyu 童幼教育 (On the Education of Children, c.1632) by Alfonso Vagnone S.J. (1568-1640): The Earliest Encounter between Chinese and European Pedagogy”
H. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Yi-ting Tsai
University of East Anglia (UK)
“George Chinnery’s Encounter with China: Sino-British Visual Arts in the Nineteenth-Century”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Kai-shen Huang
University of Oxford (UK)
“An Anthropological Analysis of Law and Ethics in Chinese Commercial Arbitration and its Theoretical Implications in the Wider Context of Global Governance”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Chun-i Lin
University of London (UK)
“Ceramic Tomb Figurines in the Xi’an Area from the Sixth to Eighth Centuries”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Lin-chih Wu
University of Southampton (UK)
“Mandatory Market Regulation: Joint Effect of Pricing and Staffing Decisions on Matching Supply with Demand-Evidence from China and Taiwan”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
(a)Social Sciences
1. Chia-yuan Huang
University of London (UK)
“Transnationalism and Talent Migration: Diaspora Strategies in Taiwanese Highly Skilled Migration to Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore”
2. I-ju Chen
University of Birmingham (UK)
“Examining the Linkage between Trade and Environment in the WTO and Asia-Pacific towards the Goal of Fisheries Sustainability: Implications for Taiwanese Fisheries Law and Policy”
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of date application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Henry Johnson
University of Otago (New Zealand)
“Chinese Creative Musical Practices in the Making of New Zealand from the Mid-Nineteenth Century to the 1980s”
Grant amount: US$45,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Kevin Carrico
Macquarie University (Australia)
“The Newest Nationalism -- Constructing a Hong Kong National Identity”
Grant amount: US$42,000
Grant period: 3 years
B. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Andrew Tan
Macquarie University (Australia)
“Taiwan: Challenges and Prospects”
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 6 months
C. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Bau-man Tzeng
University of Tokyo (Japan)
“A Study on the Political Discourse of International Order in Modern Japan: Focusing on the Fusion of Nationalism and Socialism ”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
Recipients in Developing Regions
(in order of date application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Library Acquisition Grants
1. Andris Vilks
National Library of Latvia (Latvia)
“Completing Essential Research Resources in the Library of AsiaRes (Baltic Research Center for East Asian Studies) in the National Library of Latvia”
Grant amount: US$9,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Maja Lavrač
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
“Advancing Sinology/Chinese Studies at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia”
Grant amount: US$9,000
Grant period: 3 years
B. Mobility Grants
1. Boon Sim Ng
University Putra Malaysia (Malaysia)
“Mother Tongue (L1) or Additional Language (L3): A Case Study of Mother Tongue Conceptions, Perceptions and Language Attitude among Younger Generations of Malaysian Hakka”
Grant amount: US$1,000
Grant period: 6 months